Saturday, January 8, 2022

Steven Taylor on How to Cope with LA Traffic

It’s December. It’s the season of the holidays. It’s also the season that Steven Taylor fears the most when it comes to driving in LA’s streets and highways. With the holiday season coming in, there will be more vehicles due to everyone who will be busy preparing for Christmas dinner and doing some holiday shopping.

Now, is Los Angeles traffic that bad? Well, Steven Taylor says it’s indeed bad. Among all cities in Southern California, LA takes the cake when it comes to traffic. According to one article, the City of Angels “...has a congestion level of 45 percent, while San Francisco comes in at 39 percent.” - San Gabriel Valley Tribune. While everyone in the city is already using bikes and public transportation, using cars and other vehicles as a means of transportation in the city is by far the easiest way to get around LA. And this is especially true if you’re a tourist.

So how does one cope with LA traffic? Fortunately for you, Steven Taylor knows his way around vehicles and LA traffic. Here are some of his easy-to-follow advice on how to deal with heavy LA traffic.

Just Deal with It

The first piece of advice Steven Taylor has for all motorists in LA today is to just accept the fact that the city is plagued with traffic problems. In fact, all of the biggest cities in the world are always prone to traffic problems. Road congestion “ a growing problem and it is primarily due to ongoing urbanization and population growth.” - U.S News on the World’s Most Congested Cities.

The earlier you admit this to yourselves, the better you’d be at peace while driving on the road. Steven Taylor has encountered many friends who used to road rage every time they encounter heavy traffic. However, when they realized that they really couldn’t do anything about it, they all calmed down and just thought of ways how to survive the ordeal!

Turn off the Radio

Are you surprised by this advice? Even Steven Taylor is also surprised when a good friend told him to stop listening to music on the radio when facing heavy traffic. In fact, cut off all distractions. Turn off the phone and shift your attention to the road in front instead. This will give you focus while driving, which will help you get out of the traffic jam faster and help you avoid committing driving mistakes too.

Plan Ahead

Knowing when and where you’re going with your vehicle can also help you in dealing with the heavy LA traffic. For shorter distances, try using commuting or even walking to the destination. If one needs to drive a vehicle, Steven Taylor suggests scheduling the drive during a time when traffic congestion is not at its peak. It’s really easier to drive when there are only a few cars on the road.

Originally published at on January 8, 2022.

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